OK, ladies. This one's got everything wrapped up into one with plenty of options!
For the month of March, we challenge you to:
1. Either choose a partner or on your own, pick at least 5 things off the list to do
2. As a Sisterhood group, during the month of March, do at least one or two of the ideas together
DON'T FORGET TO SHARE YOUR STORIES! Come back to this post and make a comment to share with us what you did and the blessings as a result. You can also email any stories to
cswomens.ministries@usw.salvationarmy.org to be shared on the website.
1. Deliver fresh-baked cookies to city workers
2. Collect goods for a food bank
3. Bring flowers to work and share them with coworkers
4. Volunteer to be a tutor in a school
5. Extend a hand to someone in need. Give your full attention and simply listen
6. Offer a couple of hours of babysitting to parents
7. Have a charity day at work, with employees bringing nonperishable food items to donate
8. Pay a compliment at least once a day
9. Call or visit a homebound person
10. Be a good neighbor – take over a baked treat or just stop by to say hello
11. Transport someone who can’t drive
12. Volunteer at an agency that needs help
13. Write notes of appreciation and bring flowers or goodies to teachers or other important people, such as a principle, nurse, custodian or secretary
14. Write a thank-you note to a mentor or someone who has influenced your life in a positive way
15. Pay for the person behind you in line for coffee
16. Give blood
17. Visit hospitals with smiles, treats, and friendly conversation for patients
18. Stop by a nursing home and visit a resident with no family nearby
19. Leave an extra big tip for the waitperson
20. Open the door for another person
21. Pay for the meal of the person behind you in the drive-through
22. Offer to return a shopping cart to the store for someone loading a car
23. Return YOUR shopping cart after unloading
24. Invite someone new over for dinner
25. Let the person behind you in the grocery store go ahead of you in line
26. When drivers try to merge into your land, let them with a wave and a smile
27. As you go about your day, pick up trash
28. Buy books to donate to a day care or school
29. Bake cookies and take them to a neighbor who needs a lift
30. Pitch in and clean up the yard of a neighbor who is ill, has had surgery recently or has had a family emergency
31. Walk to a nearby park and pick up trash, then have a picnic
32. Volunteer with your children to help at a soup kitchen
33. Leave a bouquet of flowers on a neighbor’s front step anonymously
34. Make some small gifts or write kindness wishes and drawings on bright greeting cards. Deliver them to residents of a nursing home, children’s home or senior facility.
35. Organize a spring clean-up project. Choose an area that needs attention and collect debris, abandoned items, and other materials that have collected in the area
36. Roll an elderly neighbor’s garbage cans back up the driveway at the end of trash pick-up day
37. Collect teddy bears for police officers to give to traumatized children
38. Send cards or letters of appreciation to people you read about in the news who have done good deeds. Send kind thoughts to people you hear about in your community who have suffered a setback
39. Sew comfort items for the police trauma unit or a children’s hospital.
40. Help a neighbor or friend who has lost a job write a resume or cover letter
41. Help a neighbor weed or plant a garden
42. Select some people in your life who you feel need a special life and send them a gift
43. Adopt a student who needs a friend, checking in periodically to see how things are going
44. Prepare bag lunches to distribute to the homeless
45. Write a note to the boss of someone who has helped you, praising the employee
46. Leave a treat for your mailman
47. Volunteer to read to students at a day care
48. Send a letter to a former teacher letting them know the difference they made in your life
49. When you are waiting for service at the deli counter, trade ticket numbers with someone in a hurry
50. Smile and say hello to someone you don’t know